As an Orthodox Christian though, I regret that the reform did not happen within the Western Christian community without there being a schism, and I’m especially sad for the multiple fissures that have occurred since that first reaction. These divisions and the multiple communities with their various doctrines are, most Orthodox would say, the inevitable result of individualistic readings of the Scripture that results from a hermeneutic based on sola Scriptura. Instead, we Orthodox hold to a position of prima Scriptura, and that means reading the Scriptures from within church tradition rather than thinking that we can pole jump from our current day back to an original, pristine, unspoiled early era of the church. The Scriptures themselves bear witness to the importance of a holy tradition that has been passed down by Christ and the apostles, a tradition that includes reading the Old Testament in the light of Christ—think of the road to Emmaus.
Edith M. Humphrey et al., TH351 Perspectives on Justification by Faith: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance, Logos Mobile Education (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018).